My life as it is now…

The world is a different place now for me…with children’s laughter, people’s smiles…
As I run from class to class, experience worlds after worlds of innocent laughter and play, the day goes by in a daze.
When I’m back to the regular drudgery of adult responsibilities I feel stifled. Words need to be measured here. Meaning is searched for even in a careless smile. What is done or not done is analysed with the expertise of a pro.
Long before its time to go back to my little ones, I yearn for their gay abandon, unconditional love and total acceptance of me, as I am. I eagerly await for my daily dose of unadulterated life. You can’t help but smile as they bluntly call a spade a spade. No fake attempt to soothe your ruffled feathers, no pretence of affection. Their complete trust in you is at times unnerving. Am I worth all their love? I sometimes think. Will I be able to give them what they deserve, and what I’m here for? A wholesome education?
Well, this much I’m sure of….is that my little bundles of energy are so full of life and its learnings, that each moment spent around them is equal to a thousand books to learn from. Who am I kidding? It is I who will gain ‘a wholesome education’ from my interaction with them.